Upcoming event to focus on gender equity at work


As the East Bay Leadership Council celebrates Women's History Month, our team will highlight timely and informative content on the issue of gender equity in our weekly Must Reads section of this newsletter.

The month also features an East Bay Leadership Series event with Alexis Krivkovich where we will discuss the distinct challenges faced by women in the workplace especially mothers, senior-level women and Black women which have been amplified by the COVID-19 crisis.

Alexis is the Managing Partner of McKinsey & Company's San Francisco office with experience advising senior executives and helping drive change for financial services and technology companies. She is passionate about leadership development and launched an annual study to help identify gaps in female leadership with actionable steps for creating gender equity at work.

Date & Time
Thursday, March 25
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM

Series Sponsors

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Top education leaders to discuss future of higher education in the East Bay

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Join the EBLC's Opportunity Task Force for a conversation on the future of higher education with two of the top education leaders in the East Bay, President Sandeen and Chancellor Reece.

We will learn what both CSU East Bay and the Contra Costa Community College District are doing to help meet the workforce needs of a changing economy, hear more about their plans to safely and effectively educate students in 2021, their vision for the future of their institutions, and have a chance to ask your questions.

Date & Time
Wednesday, March 17
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM

Future of Work Commission releases report with focus on "new social compact"

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Included in the report are recommendations for future-proofing California by connecting workforce training to growing industries, survey results on what workers value in a good job, and strategies for helping eliminate the working poor.

A few important graphics from the report ⤵️

Thinking about running for office?

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The EBLC launched our own candidate training program in 2017 with a mission to help more people who care about the East Bay receive the tools, know-how, and connections needed to run and win elected office.

If you are interested in running for office, now is the time to apply for our 2021 virtual program.

Must Read // Why pay equity is not enough

Zara Nanu: For decades now, the need to create pay equity has been embedded in conversations about achieving fairness and inclusivity at work.

While the World Economic Forum still puts us centuries behind achieving wage parity between men and women, current developments in the future of work (largely due to the growth of digital economies and COVID) risk pushing that even further out of reach.

Our Reading List

📢 East Bay Vaccine Information
News is changing fast on the rollout of the vaccine, so we encourage you to bookmark your local health department's website (Alameda / Contra Costa) and ensure you are signed up for email updates through your healthcare provider. This SF Chronicle article may also be a helpful resource.

Social media highlights