The Stage is Set for 16th Annual Small Business Awards

(A few of the honorees are pictured: Venture Quality Goods, Brookvale Pharmacy, and Tower Grille)

(A few of the honorees are pictured: Venture Quality Goods, Brookvale Pharmacy, and Tower Grille)


National Small Business Week began by Presidential proclamation in 1963 and continues this week with events honoring entrepreneurs and small business owners all across the country and in the East Bay with the 16th Annual Small Business Awards.

Small businesses are often referred to as the backbone of the American economy and the numbers back up the cliché. They employ half of the country’s private sector workforce and create nearly two out of three new jobs.


But beyond the economic effect of the business owners who embody the spirit of the American Dream, small businesses help create a sense of community.


Communities are built around small businesses because their owners are part of the community. They are not just owners of clothing boutiques, eateries, theaters, law firms, and auto shops -- they are also president of the PTA, member of the Chamber of Commerce, captain of the neighborhood watch, and the undisputed neighborhood bunco champion.


Small Businesses may be the backbone of the economy, but they are even more the backbone of our community.


The East Bay Leadership Council is proud to partner with Wells Fargo Bank and local Chambers of Commerce to honor the contributions that these diverse small businesses make to our region.
The event will feature presentations from Congressman Mark DeSaulnier and Alex Wilcox who serves as the CEO of JetSuite.


Register online before Wednesday, May 4 to attend the 16th Annual Awards as a culminating celebration to National Small Business week.

Mark Orcutt