Kristin Connelly to co-chair statewide business coalition

Kristin Connelly_REAL Coalition

We are proud to announce that our President and CEO, Kristin Connelly, has been asked to serve as the new Northern California Co-Chair of the R.E.A.L. Coalition.

“Kristin is an effective advocate and prudent policy leader in the East Bay and throughout the state,” said Lucy Dunn, President & CEO of the Orange County Business Council. “She has been a valued member of R.E.A.L. Coalition for years and will continue her good work as co-chair.”

The statewide group of California's most influential business associations was founded in 2008 by Dunn and Carl Guardino, the Former President and CEO of the Silicon Valley Leadership. Today, the Coalition collectively represents 15,000 employers and 3.9 million jobs in California.

“If we ever needed to come together as a statewide business community, now is the time,” said Kristin Connelly. “It is an honor to help lead our coalition which is committed to solving the state’s toughest issues and I look forward to learning from and advocating with my fellow regional leaders.”

In her role as co-chair Kristin will help facilitate regular meetings of the coalition’s CEOs and work collaboratively to advance statewide policies of regional significance to improve economic competitiveness.