Housing Task Force Hears from the Turner Center for Housing Innovation


The Housing Task Force met on December 4th for a presentation from David Garcia, Policy Director at the Terner Center for Housing Innovation. Mr. Garcia provided an overview of the Terner Center’s work and its impact on the 2019 legislative session. The group then engaged in a robust discussion about factors that may contribute to California’s current housing crisis and what solutions are being explored at the state and local levels.  

Two popular topics amongst the group were impact fees (which are fees charged by local agencies on new housing) and the future of accessory dwelling units (ADU). The Terner center has been involved in research around both topics and Mr. Garcia was helpful in sharing his knowledge and observations – including that increased transparency around impact fee schedules and the studies that determine them, is needed.

The EBLC Housing Task Force hopes to continue to engage with the Terner Center and their work in 2020.