Free upcoming events for members and must read news of the week

Webinar Next Week | Conversation with Assemblymember Buffy Wicks

Join us for a conversation with Assemblymember Buffy Wicks. We will learn more about the Assemblymember's legislative priorities and ask questions related to critical economic development, housing, and transportation issues for the East Bay. The event will be moderated by EBLC President & CEO, Kristin Connelly.

Date & Time
Tuesday, July 27 | 2:00 PM

Employees of EBLC member companies | Free
Non-members | $15

Have a question?
You may submit a question in advance during registration or ask it live through the Q&A function.

One Week To Apply | Build the Bench alumni are running and winning elected office 🎉

As the East Bay Leadership Council continues to recruit for our 2021 Build the Bench class, we wanted to share some exciting news.

With the appointment of David Smith to the Lafayette School District, nine alumni of the EBLC's candidate training program are now serving the region in elected office.

We could not be more proud of our graduates and believe that their victories are a resounding win for the region's economy and quality of life.

Want to join this group of dedicated elected officials? Apply before July 31 to ensure you have a chance to participate.

Must Read | PG&E says it will bury 10,000 miles of power lines to reduce California fire risk

J.D. Morris in the SF Chronicle: Pacific Gas and Electric Co. intends to bury 10,000 miles of its power lines across California’s high-risk fire zones in the coming years, the company said Wednesday.

Patti Poppe, CEO of the PG&E Corp. parent company, announced the plan at a news conference in Chico, the largest city in fire-weary Butte County, where residents are now anxiously tracking the stubborn Dixie Fire burning in the Sierra Nevada. PG&E’s equipment may be responsible for that blaze, though officials are still investigating the cause. The company said Sunday that one of its employees found two blown fuses and what appeared to be a healthy tree that had fallen on a power line near where the 85,000-acre fire started on July 14.

Poppe said PG&E leaders had originally planned to announce the undergrounding goal “in a couple months, when we had a little more meat on the bones.” But executives decided “we couldn’t wait, particularly given the proximity to the Dixie Fire, and the emotional toll it has on all of us.”

“We need you to know that we’re working night and day to solve this incredible problem,” she added.

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