Transportation Task Force Update


The May 16th Transportation Task Force meeting featured special guest Therese McMillan, the new Executive Director of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission (MTC). Ms. McMillan spent 25 years at MTC before being appointed in 2009 by then-President Barack Obama to serve as deputy administrator of the Federal Transit Administration in the U.S. Department of Transportation. The EBLC was excited to welcome her back to the Bay Area as the head of MTC and the Association of Bay Area Governments (ABAG).

Ms. McMillan sat down the Leo Scott, EBLC’s Vice-President of Infrastructure, for a lively discussion about the future of the East Bay and how our communities can best advocate throughout the regional planning process. Ms. McMillan stressed the importance of collaboration and the interwoven nature of jobs, housing and transit in the Bay Area. She also shared reflections from her time in Washington D.C. and how her experience with the Federal Government is informing her in her new role.
If you did not have the opportunity to attend our Transportation Task Force, you can meet Ms. McMillan at our Installation Dinner on June 27th.