Our Stance on Cap-and-Trade Proposal

Our letter to Governor Brown, Speaker Pro Tem de Leon, Speaker Rendon, and the East Bay Legislative Delegation  --
The East Bay’s largest employer-led public policy advocacy organization, the East Bay Leadership Council (EBLC), supports the current proposal to reauthorize California’s cap-and-trade program.  The plan consists of two bills, AB 398 and AB 617, which include key components that the EBLC has called for over the last month including a focus on local air quality and price containment measures.

These two bills present a difficult but necessary compromise.  No one is thrilled with this legislative package, but together these bills will lead to significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions while providing industry with the predictability and regulatory continuity they need to adapt to an evolving economy that is less dependent on carbon-based fuels.

AB 617 would also address the need to improve local air quality.  Contra Costa County is the second most industrial county in California and the home of four refineries.  Our residents live with the costs as well as the benefits of industry and are keenly aware of the need to balance economic interests with their effects on quality of life and our environment.

It is time for all voices to be heard and the East Bay Leadership Council, representing the interests of business, healthcare, industry, the environment, finance, real estate, education, and transportation, is standing up for sound policy making on behalf of more than 200 employers.

The East Bay Leadership Council calls on the California State Assembly and Senate to quickly pass these bills on a bipartisan, super-majority basis and continue this program that protects our environment and local air quality while allowing employers to successfully adapt.

Mark Orcutt