Health Care Task Force Update

(Graphic Credit: California Future Workforce Commission)

(Graphic Credit: California Future Workforce Commission)


The EBLC Health Care Task Force assembled in March with a full and diverse agenda. The Health Care and Education and Workforce Development Task Forces are currently developing an agenda for a joint advocacy trip to Sacramento. In preparation for this future Advocacy Day, the Task Force Co-Chairs and staff presented items of interest to both the Health and Education and Workforce Development Task Forces, including legislation proposing a statewide longitudinal student database (SB 2 and AB 1466) and a report from the California Future Health Workforce Commission.

The Task Force also discussed recent federal changes to the Title X family planning program and were introduced to Gabriela Jimenez, Deputy District Director for Assemblymember Rebecca Bauer-Kahan who shared information about newly created Select Committee on Women’s Reproductive Health. The Select Committee’s first hearing will address Title X and changes to the rules that regulate federal family planning funding.